Better breathing with SPIRIVA RESPIMAT
(tiotropium bromide) Inhalation Spray, 1.25 mcg
Open airways for 24 hrs
SPIRIVA RESPIMAT opens asthma-constricted airways for a full 24 hours
A steroid-free maintenance medication that's delivered
in a soft mist
in a soft mist
Lower the risk
Proven* to reduce the risk of attacks in adults†
*These findings were published in a study by Kerstjens HAM, Casale TB, Bleecker ER, et al in the Lancet Respir Medical journal in 2015.
†An asthma attack (exacerbation) was defined as an increase in asthma symptoms (shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, or chest tightness), or trouble breathing for 2 or more consecutive days, requiring additional treatment with an oral corticosteroid.
Eligible patients may pay as little as $0 for‡ SPIRIVA RESPIMAT
Don’t wait—get your Savings Card today.
‡See Terms and Conditions.
Earn and redeem points for digital gift cards for following your treatment with RespiPoints™
A free, educational support program for eligible§ patients.
§See Program Terms of Use.
Find out how SPIRIVA RESPIMAT works and see how to use it.